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Services > Workshops


Each organization has its own particularities and areas for improvement. With this in mind, Singulari also offers training workshops on a wide range of management topics to work on specific aspects of the team.

Main workshop topics


4.0 HR

The HR 4.0 workshop aims to present organizations with global management trends, considering which skills are most needed to navigate this new world of rapid and constant change.



The MBTI® is one of the most advanced personality traits identification tools in the world. It can be used to:

  • Improve interpersonal relationships;

  • Expand the ability to lead;

  • Deepen self-knowledge;

  • Create more productive and participatory teams;

  • Provide organizations with higher standards of efficiency and productivity.

Singulari has consultants with international MBTI® certification capable of interpreting the tool to implement its results according to the client's needs.


Personal and Corporate Branding

Branding is a strategy used to create presence and authority, influencing a specific group through its history, knowledge and worldview. In other words, the term defines the awareness of each person's personal brand, in addition to the choice to manage that brand.


Magic of Serving: Disney Enchantment

Winning and retaining customers is a challenge for any company. Consumers are increasingly demanding and companies with the highest quality in their services stand out.


With this in mind, Singulari created a service management strategy combining its service expertise with Disney principles, generating surprising results.


Emotional Intelligence

It is through emotional intelligence that we understand how we can reframe factors in our lives, how to manage our emotions in challenging situations, and especially improve our personal and professional social relationships.


Mental health

Mental health is a state of well-being where the individual realizes his or her own abilities, copes with the normal stressors of life, works productively, and is able to contribute to society.


Innovation and Digital Transformation

The New World workshop aims to present organizations with global management trends, considering which skills are most needed to navigate this new world of rapid and constant change.


And other topics such as:

  • Leadership

  • Sales

  • Communication

  • Market 4.0

  • Design Thinking

  • And others.

To better understand your needs, please contact us using the form below.

Who trusts our work


We provide personalized service to each client. Contact our customer service department to schedule a meeting.

Services > Workshops

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