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Singulari & Marjom

" The partnership between Singulari and Marjom promoted a development process that leveraged new insights into the business, leading to exponential improvements in processes and organizational climate, with an impact on immediate and future results and gains."


João Marcos Souto, Administrative and Financial Manager MARJOM


The journey promoted by the consultancy led us to unveil the fundamental pillars of Marjom, further deepening the understanding we already had of our values, mission, vision and our market positioning. Through a meticulous process of internal analysis, we mapped our target audience and their expectations, defining the personality of the Marjom brand and the message we want to convey to our customers, the region and the world.

Strategic HR Implementation

Working with the Human Resources department, with the development of the HR policy, was strategic and fundamental for improving processes and experiencing values that enhanced the relationship between the company and its employees, thus strengthening the construction of a climate of partnership, collaboration and personal development, in multiplying growth opportunities in an even more structured and solidified way.

Singulari Monitoring

The implementation of the Meeting of Us encouraged, among leaders, a more strategic outlook focused on the development and implementation of actions that prioritize action on the cause of the problems faced, in addition to promoting the maturation of relationships between managers, leaders and the board of directors.

In short, Marjom confirms that Singulari Consultoria's central proposal, namely: “generating unique value”, in fact met the demands presented, contributing invaluably to Marjom's positioning itself even more assertively internally and externally, solidifying the achievements that were already in the works and expanding future possibilities, through the consolidation, identification and understanding of what makes Marjom a unique company in its way of acting and contributing to the region.

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